
How Far To Cut Kitten Nails

Untrimmed nails can also pose a hazard to people and furniture, both of which can be injured by too-long claws. Don’t give up hope: According to Dr. Yin, it is possible to train both kittens and adult cats to tolerate — and even enjoy — having their nails clipped. Teach Your Kitten to Relax

How far to cut kitten nails. If your cat becomes Houdini and magically vanishes whenever you even think about trimming her nails, part of the problem might be she has learned to associate the procedure with restraint, discomfort, fear or even pain. Even if you do manage to accomplish the nail trimming procedure, if you’ve had to wrap your cat in a towel, enlist the help of family members to hold her down, restrain her. If your cat’s nails split while you were trimming them, take a deep breath in – there’s good news. Chances are really high that there isn’t anything to be worried about at all. Of course, as with anything, there are a few situations where nail splitting isn’t a good thing, but in the vast majority […] I've had my little kitten (8 weeks old) a week now and he has settled in well, such a joy to have around and such a boisterous playful nature but oh my gosh those needle sharp little nails are painful! Although they aren't breaking skin they are giving us all a painful little jab when we play with him.

It was bad, so I panicked and took them to the vet. The vet told me that his little eye probably got scraped by one of his sibling's nails, and proceeded to cut all their front nails! I didn't do it again until over a week later, so around 3 weeks. Even then, I only cut the very very tips, and only did one nail at a time, and only the front paws. Kittens have very tiny nails and therefore you should be very careful. Remember that cutting too far can lead to bleeding. In addition to being painful, this can leave your kitty stressed in trauma. The result would be a genuinely fearful cat who would get aggressive, next time you try to cut her nails. However, you can choose to file the nails. Cut the nails with the trimmers. Hold the cat as described earlier and cut the nails one by one. Position the trimmers halfway between the end of the quick and the claw. Try to orient the clippers so that when the nail is cut, the blade cuts from bottom to top. This will help prevent splitting. Try to avoid getting frustrated.

The first step is to get some treats, make the whole experience positive and don’t feel like you need to be a hero and trim all the nails at once. Start with one, reward and come back later if you or your pet is nervous. In cats, simply trim the ‘hook’ off the end. Don’t try to cut them extremely short, just cut the tip off. Start clipping the nails slowly and do not rush during the process which leads to damage to the pink area. If you accidentally cut the pink part of the paw that’s it, it instantly starts bleeding, and your cat runs far away from you. Practice extending your kitten’s nail by massaging the paws and offering treats. How to Cut a Cat's Claws. You won't have to worry about nail-trimming if your cat spends a lot of time outdoors, as rough surfaces tend to act as a natural file. Indoor and elderly cats, however, may need to have their nails trimmed every few weeks. This prevents the claws growing inwards into their pads, causing pain and infection.

The gentler and more successful you are at safely trimming and keep you cat calm. The nicer the cat will be for future trimmings. I got my cats actually extending their nails for me for the trimming. It is important to cut the nail on the side and to use a good sharp cat trimmers. It looks like your kitten trust you a lot. How to Trim Kitten Claws. 1. Get the Right Supplies Trimming a kitten’s claws is just as easy as trimming your own nails, but you will need a special cat nail trimmer.You want to make sure that you are using cat nail trimmers and not a human nail trimmer, as using the wrong tool may result in an injury to the kitten. When your kitten learns early that nail trimming can be a positive and rewarding experience, he'll be more likely to cooperate with it later on in life. It's also important to provide your kitten with scratching posts or platforms so that he learns to sharpen his nails there, rather than on your furniture. More on Vetstreet:

So far only 7 autonomous communities prohibit this practice: Andalucia, Aragon, Cataluna, Comunidad Valenciana, Comunidad de Madrid, Murcia and Navarra. In the rest there is no express allusion or allowed with the excuse of maintaining the peculiarities of some race. 10 Tips on How to Cut Cat Nails. Step 1 - Someone else said "first off never cut a cats nails! if they are scratching your furniture get a scratching post!!!!!" That is also incorrect. There is nothing wrong with clipping a cat's claws as long you don't clip too far back - as you did. I do agree that a cat should have a good scratching post. The more your cat scratches, the sharper their claws will become. As a result, you may need to periodically trim your cat’s nails. How often depends to a great extent on your cat, but it’s safe to say that if you see your kitty getting stuck on carpeting or a blanket, their nails are likely going to benefit from a trim.

By examining your kitten’s paws regularly you are not only getting them used to having their nails touched and handled but you can also ensure their paws are wound-free at the same time. If your cat is past the kitten stage, don’t worry. The process may just take more time and patience to get your kitty used to the process of nail trimming. I used to have to cut Jo's nails all the time as a kitten but now he rarely needs a trim . Reactions: jofo. Jan 15, 2015 #10 GoldyCat Moderator. Staff Member. Moderator. Joined Jul 31, 2008 Messages 13,328 Reaction score 2,373 Location Arizona. CatmomJulia said: If you cut the quick of a cat’s nail they won’t be happy. The quick contains highly sensitive blood vessels and nerve endings, similar to the pink part of a human fingernail. Bleeding, pain – and possibly a scratch for you – will result from accidently trimming the nail too far.

Source : pinterest.com