
How Big Do Kittens Have To Be To Get Fixed

If you have any male cats, most veterinarians strongly recommend having them neutered, as well. This will not only protect any cats that you haven’t had spayed yet, but will also keep your tomcats from bothering other cats in the area. Some people claim that, because their cats are indoor pets, they don’t need to have them fixed.

How big do kittens have to be to get fixed. We have had male kittens that tip the scale at over 20 pounds at one-year-old, and females at over 17 pounds. Keep in mind that a kitten’s weight doesn’t necessarily predict the final size and weight of an adult Coon cat. But kittens have a higher requirement for protein, amino acids, and minerals, as well as for some vitamins. For example, kittens should get about 30% of their energy from protein. For these reasons, most experts recommend you feed your kitten specially formulated kitten food until age 1. That is supposed to be stopping, as vets have realized that it's actually a harsh thing to do now-a-days. That vet was completely rude and absolutely crossing lines. How ignorant. I am glad you are finding a new vet. Anyways, Our vet advised us to get our kitty fixed when she was 12-16 weeks. She was done at 15 and did very well.

A male kitten that has been fixed may have to wear a cone of shame for a few days after the operation, but the incision will have healed completely within two weeks. It is a routine procedure and. An estimated 5 million to 8 million animals are euthanized in shelters across this country every year. Many organizations are working to decrease that number by opening low-cost spay/neuter clinics that will prevent more litters of cats that need homes. One such organization is LifeLine Animal Project, an Atlanta-based nonprofit shelter and clinic where more than 25,000 spaying and neutering. My cat potter had pretty big ones and they looked the same when he came back. But i knew he was fixed beacuse he didnt get my non spayed female cat pregant. 1 0. Anonymous. 1 decade ago. take him back to the vet. If he still has balls his urine will smell really strong usually but if they look like they are there they probably are.Don't let.

While you can have a kitten fixed as young as 6 weeks old, the procedure is usually performed when your little one reaches 8 to 12 weeks of age. Kittens need to weigh at least 2 pounds before surgery, according to Web MD. Other than siring as many kittens as possible, tom cats don't tend to get involved in the raising of the kittens. Male cats have been known to kill kittens, usually kittens that they didn't father. This behavior is a throwback to instincts from wilder days when killing a rival's young would keep the rival from spreading his genes about the. Definitely get your cat fixed once the kittens are weaned. Something I learned in the last couple of weeks: A female will go into heat every couple of weeks until she is impregnated. The mother that produced the two-month-old litter I have right now looks like she's pregnant again, already.

The Importance of Early Age Spay and Neuter of Ragdoll Kittens. Originally published Jan 13, 2012 – running it again because this continues to be an ongoing problem for me through email.. Sometimes it can be hard to have a site that supports purebred cats. The Cat Health Guide recommends having female kittens spayed by the time they are 6 months old. The Cat Care Clinic of Orange County, California, says kittens can be spayed at 8 weeks but recommends waiting until 4 months to 6 months of age. Nevertheless, kittens can be spayed as young as 6 weeks. I have had all 4 of mine fixed and they all have that (or are starting too get it) I took them to the vet for a follow up after I got them fixed, and he said that it was because when you get them fixed, it slows down their metabolism so if they eat and exercise the same as before they will gain a little weight.

Do this for about a week, depending on how your cat is acting with the changes. Don’t forget to provide a lot of attention to your older cat after playing with your kitten. It’ll need your attention and support and the scent of the kitten on your clothing will help it get used to the newcomer. Why do many cats have a saggy belly? July 11, 2013 by Jennifer Simms. Have you ever noticed that many cats, even those that don’t seem to be particularly overweight, develop a saggy, hanging belly? Unlike most dogs that generally have firm bellies, this pouch of saggy skin just in front of the rear legs is common in cats and can often be seen. I now have 4 cats, all are current on shots and 3 are now fixed, and so on. I have to get the kitten fixed. Do you know how much money it is all together to fix 4 cats, and keep up with shots, food, fur ball meds, and litter?? It's alot of money. If you can't do it, then dont allow the cat to have kittens!

Tomcats that are unneutered may grow to be bigger than fixed male cats that are neutered prior to attaining physical maturity. Male cats that never reach reproductive capability do not possess secondary sex traits, and because of that you may notice that their overall frames are significantly smaller than those of intact tomcats. There's this one male cat who keeps hanging in my parents garden and he's massive. Not fat but very muscular and chunky; quite a large head too. They have two other cats who are rather slim in comparison and they have been neutered as well. I'm wondering if the cat in question is chunky because he has not been neutered or if it's due to other reasons. Now that the kittens have reached this milestone, it’s time to start litter box training. Three Weeks Old Kitten. If you are bottle feeding, you’ll notice the kittens are drinking much more at each feeding, but at fewer feedings, probably four to five times a day. At this age you can start introducing solid food—use wet food at first, and.

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